Bye Bye Moore


話題のAIアシストブラウザを試す その3:ディレクトリ横断で調べる



What this project for?


This project appears to be a simple interactive LED control system using an M5Stamp S3 microcontroller. Here's a brief overview of its purpose:

1. LED Control: The project uses a single NeoPixel LED connected to the M5Stamp S3.

2. Button Interaction: It incorporates a tact switch (button) connected to pin G9.

3. Color Changes: The LED changes color based on the button state:
   - Blue when the button is not pressed
   - Yellow when the button is pressed

4. Serial Output: The project provides feedback through the serial monitor, indicating when the button is pressed.

The main components and functionality can be seen in these sections:

#define NUM_LEDS 1
#define LED_PIN 21  // The pin connected to the NeoPixel on M5Stamp S3
#define TACT_SWITCH_PIN 9  // G0 for the tact switch

// Define the LED array

// Define colors
const CRGB MY_BLUE = CRGB(0, 0, 255);
const CRGB MY_RED = CRGB(255, 0, 0);
const CRGB MY_YELLOW = CRGB(255, 255, 0);

This defines the LED setup and color constants.

void setLEDColor(const CRGB& color = MY_RED) {
  // Set the color of the LED
  leds[0] = color;;

This function controls the LED color.

void loop() {
  // Check if the tact switch is pressed
  if (digitalRead(TACT_SWITCH_PIN) == LOW) {
    // Tact switch is pressed, set LED to yellow
    Serial.println("Tact switch pressed - LED is YELLOW");
  else {
    // No button is pressed, set LED back to blue

  // Small delay to prevent too rapid checking

The main loop checks the button state and changes the LED color accordingly.

In summary, this project demonstrates basic input/output operations on the M5Stamp S3, showing how to interact with an LED and a button, which could serve as a foundation for more complex projects or as a learning tool for working with this microcontroller.
