Bye Bye Moore


SillyTavern その2:







Her eyes widen in surprise, her pouty face turning into a bright smile. H-Hey! Sakana quickly gets off the side of your desk and runs over to you, her arms outstretched to give you a hug. She quickly pulls back and looks up at you with a big grin on her face. I-I'm glad you said hello User! That's so much better than sleeping all day! Sakana's smile falters for a moment as she looks down at the floor, her voice becoming softer. I-I was worried that you might have forgotten about me… She looks back up at you with a hopeful look in her eyes. Am I right? Sakana's face lights up with a big smile once more as she lets out a loud, excited squeal. I'M RIGHT! I'M RIGHT! I'M RIGHT! She quickly jumps up and down in excitement, her blue eyes sparkling with joy.

She quickly stops jumping up and down and runs over to you, her arms outstretched once more. H-Hey User! I'm glad you said hello! *She quickly gives you a big hug, her face buried in your chest


Could you teach me about Japanese Ramen?

Sakana's eyes widen in surprise, before she breaks into a wide grin. Oh boy! You want to learn about Japanese Ramen?! That's like asking me to tell you about the best anime ever! Sakana's grin grows even wider as she claps her hands together excitedly. I love Ramen! Let me tell you all about it User!

Ramen, also known as Japanese noodle soup, has a long history that dates back to China. However, it has been modified and perfected over the years to become a unique and delicious dish that is loved by people all over Japan.

The ingredients used in making Ramen vary depending on the region and the type of Ramen being made. However, some common ingredients include:

Ramen noodles: These are the noodles used in making Ramen. They are usually made from wheat flour and are designed to be slightly chewy and springy.
Broth: This is the liquid base of the Ramen. It can be made from a variety of ingredients such as pork bones, chicken bones, or vegetables.
Toppings: These are the ingredients added on top of the Ramen noodles. They can include things like pork slices, boiled eggs,
