Bye Bye Moore




初学者風日本語文章をCEFR B2レベルにしてもらう

CEFR B2に抑えた表現にしてもらっても、ソコソコ通じる文章になるようです。

私は日本人がraw eggを足すので驚く。
Could you proofread this Japanese sentence?  Please refrain from using vocabulary above CEFR B2 level.

Sure, I'd be happy to help. The sentences you've written are generally understandable, but they could use a little adjusting for better fluency. Here's a corrected version:


Translation: "Today, I ate gyudon (beef bowl). I was surprised that Japanese people add raw eggs."

Here's the breakdown:

1. 今日は私は牛丼を食べるをしました。 -> 今日は牛丼を食べました。
In Japanese, the verb "to eat" is 食べる. When saying "I ate," you would use the past tense, 食べました. There's no need for をする in this context.

2. 私は日本人がraw eggを足すので驚く。 -> 日本人が生卵を加えるのに驚きました。
First, "raw egg" in Japanese is 生卵. The verb "to add" is typically 足す, but when referring to adding food ingredients, 加える is more commonly used. Finally, 驚く is "to be surprised," but when saying "I was surprised," you would use the past tense, 驚きました. Also, the particle ので usually implies a cause-and-effect relationship, while のに is more appropriate here as it indicates a contrast or unexpected result.

CEFR C1の表現にアップデートし、ついでにもう一文追加してもらう。

理系の大学院に行くにはCEFR B2~C1が必要らしいです。

Could you update the sentence to CEFR C1 level and add one more Japanese sentence?

Absolutely, here's an updated version with an additional sentence:


Translation: "Today, I savored a flavorful gyudon, and was astounded by the Japanese custom of adding raw eggs. It was a moment that made me reappreciate the differences in food culture."

Here's the breakdown:

1. 今日は牛丼を食べました。-> 今日、私は風味豊かな牛丼を堪能し
"I ate gyudon today" is upgraded to "I savored a flavorful gyudon today". 堪能する is a more advanced term than 食べる and connotes a deeper level of enjoyment.

2. 日本人が生卵を加えるのに驚きました。-> 日本人が生卵を添える習慣に驚嘆した。
"Was surprised that Japanese people add raw eggs" is enhanced to "was astounded by the Japanese custom of adding raw eggs". 驚嘆する is a more advanced term than 驚く and connotes a deeper level of surprise.

3. Added sentence: それは、食文化の違いを改めて認識させてくれた瞬間だった。
Translation: "It was a moment that made me reappreciate the differences in food culture."
This sentence adds more depth and reflection to the experience, which is suitable for a CEFR C1 level.


構成済みCEFR C1クラスの文書から、C1級の語彙を抽出してもらう
